+603 7731 0334 trainexinfo@gmail.com

Written by: Captain (U) Hj Akashah Ismail (Retired) 

Before we go deeper talking about mentoring let us understand what is mentoring so that we will not go astray in discussing it later. The best definition in referring to our context is, “a structure and series of processes designed to create secured relationship to guide the desired behavior change of those involved and evaluate the results of the organization with the primary purpose of systematically developing the leadership skills and abilities of the less-experienced members of the organization. Based on this definition, it is believed that changes cannot happen through structural change, but it must include behavioral change.

  • Act as a source of information on the missions and goals of the organization
  • Provide inside into the organization’s philosophy.
  • Lead the specific skills and behavior and how to function in the organization.
  • Give feedback and comments on the performance of the mentee.
  • Serve as a confidante in times of personal crises and problems.
  • Assist the mentee to plot career path.
  • Maintain the integrity of the relationship between mentor and mentee.

In the process of mentoring the mentor may agree to one or more of the following functions in guiding the mentee.

Diagram 1

At Trainex, we explore the above context, redefined, and redesigned to ensure that the program can be effectively applied as elaborated in Diagram 1. Here we termed behavioral change as “heart-ware” because it involves the inner “us” that is our heart and the structural change as “hard-ware” because it involves the tools and technique of running the organization effectively.

Trainex.Biz is a complete package mentoring inclusive of parenting, nurturing, and monitoring through dashboards mere the mentor, mentee and other stakeholder can see real time performances of the mentee. Mistakes can be realized immediately, and corrections be made avoiding major problems.

Trainex.Biz is designed for new entrepreneurs with or without products to climb the entrepreneurs’ ladders successfully. We will hold their hands for one year, mentoring them. We believe, through Trainex.Biz, one year is sufficient to mature to face reality of the entrepreneurial world.